Product information:
The special properties of the item are stated on Collectorscage.com. Answers to supplementary information or questions in continuation of the existing information can be obtained via info@collectorscage.com or Instagram @CollectorsCage, if the customer so wishes.

Changes in price may occur, depending on your order time. This is because prices are daily prices and often change continuously. If Collector's Cage accepts your order, the buyer will be invoiced the price applicable on the order date. All prices are shown incl. COTTON WOOL.

The price shown on Collectorscage.com is only an invitation to take advantage of a discount in price, and is therefore not considered a binding offer. When ordering goods from Collectorscage.com, the buyer binds himself to the offer to buy the goods on the stated terms and thus does not constitute a direct binding acceptance. The binding agreement does not take effect until the order has been shipped by CollectorsCage.

CollectorsCage has the right to cancel an order, in case there is a typing mistake, stock error or other reason that the order cannot be fulfilled.

Your account information which is collected when purchasing goods is sent directly and securely to PBS via the encryption form, (SSL), which is only reserved for you and PBS. This ensures that unauthorized persons cannot see or store your personal information. The amount will only be deducted from your account when the item is shipped from Collectorscage.com.

Risk of accidental destruction or deterioration:
The risk of ordered goods being destroyed or damaged, due to accidental circumstances, does not pass to the buyer until the goods are in the buyer's custody.


The following applies to the purchase of fresh fruit and vegetables: Any complaint in connection with the discovery of defects in products must be made to Collectorscage.com no later than the day after the buyer receives the item. If not, the buyer loses the right to sue the seller for the defect. In the event of a defect, please indicate and request showing what the defect is.

Furthermore, the following applies to the purchase of groceries and non-food: Complaints must be made within a reasonable time after the buyer's receipt of the goods, after which the buyer is obliged to examine the goods as soon as possible.

Disclaimer and Warranty:
Collectorscage.com brings relevant information about other websites to you through links. link is not controlled by Collectorscage.com. Therefore, we can in no way be held responsible for their content.

Information about the ordered goods from such websites is not included in the description of the ordered goods in the agreement between the buyer and Collectorscage.com, the goods thus meet the buyer's expectations, provided they correspond to Collectorscage's own description.

As a result of the ordered goods being delivered late or containing defects, the seller is not liable for any damages if these delays or defects are due to circumstances in the buyer's custody which are beyond Collectorscage.com's control. This may include, for example, war, riots, riots, fire, government intervention, seizure, currency restrictions, labor disputes of any kind, including strikes and lockouts, or the like.

The buyer only obtains the guarantees on ordered goods that the manufacturer issues to the buyer. Collectorcage.com does not provide an independent warranty.

Right of withdrawal:
The buyer can cancel his purchase within 14 days of delivery, if it is notified to info@collectorscage.com, the buyer will then refund the amount received.


Items returned UFRANCO or on COD are refused receipt. Regarding returns, please use Post Danmark as a provider, and not other alternative parcel distributors. This ensures that you can track your item in case it should be lost during the return shipment. It is recommended that you return the item in proper packaging - together with the invoice, where you make it clear that you are using the right of withdrawal to get your order refunded. Please return the item as a careful package with Post Danmark.

If you regret your purchase, you can simply refuse receipt of the shipment.

Our return policy applies to all goods sold to private individuals. These do not apply to pick-up of goods in our store, nor to goods sold to companies.

If Collectorscage receives the returned goods in acceptable condition, the amount received will be refunded.

The website Collectorscage.com is operated by the company:
CollectorsCage ApS CVR No: 42899429

Subject to change:
Collectorscage reserves the right to change and update the terms and conditions applicable to this website. Please keep up to date on any changes.


PBS - The Banks' Payment Service www.pbs.dk

FDIH / Consumer Council www.fdih.dk

The Danish Consumer Agency www.forbriger.dk

The Consumer Council www.forbruggerraadet.dk

Consumer information www.forbriger.dk